Friday, August 2, 2013

Conservative Middle in Despair

I am not sure what to make of this or where it will take us as we hurdle towards another threat of government shut down.

Today, Charles Krauthammer wrote that not funding the laws of the land is a sure fire way to p*ss off the public voters in the middle and lose elections.

David Brooks pointed out that conservatism was at its peak (1980-1984) in vote gathering nationally when the neocons were in charge and noted that traditional neocons believe in a government that works and provides a social safety net, while encouraging individual responsibility.  He concluded his column with the statement: "  The solution is not to go back to 1980 (or any other time).  It is to imagine what kind of values Americans should have and what kind of limited, but energetic government can reinforce those values."  I will note that is when I was a member of the Republican Party when the GOP advocated such a policy mix.

And 4 Republican Administrators of the EPA:  William Ruckelshaus, Lee Thomas, William Reilly, and Christine Todd Whitman pointed out that it is a proper role of government to protect and maintain a livable environment for its citizens.  They believe that the US Government must do something to start to make progress on climate change and urge the GOP legislators to take up the debate with the Democrats.  That would be nice, but I do believe that message is DOA for the forseeable future.

The GOP's 12 year war with "RINO's" is neither good for the party nor good for America.

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