Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Level of Ignorance in On-line News Commentary is Unbelieveable

I don't why I read comments on various things, I know they are rarely thoughtfully based upon facts or even a sound understanding of the background to what is being commented on.  I guess it is a kind of voyeurism that I cannot resist.

I was going to comment on some of the comments I read today regarding any number of things where I was left shaking my head, but it is not worthwhile except to say that is what politicians face every election when they try to convince voters to vote for them.  Oy Vey!

The Economist asked the question "Will ObamaCare Destroy Jobs".  The answer is not clear as there are competing issues built into the Heritage Foundation plan, but the bottom line in the plan is there are incentives for the market to work based upon mandatory inclusion in the risk sharing plan.

Much has been written that forcing young people into the plan is not fare because they pay more than they will consume.  But they might be in a car accident.  They might tear their ACL skiing.  They might come down with Testicular cancer.  They might just need an ordinary check up.  And they will eventually be old and absolutely need health care in some year along the way.  That is what insurance is for.  That is why states require all car owners to have car insurance.  That is why they can have helmet laws if they choose.  If you are part of a risk pool, it can be in societies interest to require you to participate in the insurance plan.  Every citizen is part of the health care risk pool, thanks to the hippocratic oath.

What is forgotten in all the hoopla over ObamaCare is how much hoopla there was over the rising cost of health insurance 5 years ago.  The inability of the old health insurance scheme is what brought us to ObamaCare as designed by the Heritage Foundation and implemented in Massachusetts by Governor Romney, the 2012 GOP Presidential candidate.

The overall conclusion of The Economist Article, to this analyst, is health insurance should not be part of employment.  Then employers could make hiring decisions based upon the economic of the individual and the job.  The reason we did not go to Universal Health Insurance was the GOP wouldn't let the plan go there, and the population was scared just wanting to keep their employer provided health insurance.  But only 50% of the population has employer provided health insurance.

The Democrats should have just passed Medicare for All when they had 60 votes in the Senate.  Now all we can hope for is that the GOP continues to demonstrate that they cannot govern responsibly and the Democrats preserve veto power in the Senate and White House.

Sadly, that is the best we can expect.

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