Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Islamic Education

I respect Islam as much as I respect any other religion.  All religions have pious people who want good for mankind and respect for their belief.  Some religions have extremists within them who believe that non-believers are to be hated and worst.

What I don't understand is how any religion can sponsor education and not teach Math and Science which are the foundation of everything we understand about out existence.  Nor do I understand how the leaders of any religion cannot promote respect for their fellow mankind.  That would mean people of any religion or non-believer in any religion.

This rant came after new story tonight on Egypt and the role of an Islamic University.  My understanding of Islamic schools is that they only study the Koran. No Science.  No Math.  No World History.  No respect for people of other religions or non-believers in any religion.

How is that an Education?  Can one of my readers educate me?

P.S.  After writing this, I caught up with RedStateVT's most recent posting.  While I am a non-believer in any specific religion,  I do agree with RedStateVT that once you get back to the Big Bang, one has to admit that there is no understanding of how the Big Bang came to be or where the material that constituted the Big Bang came from.  Could it be purely scientific or could it be purely the work of God?  There is no answer, there is only personal belief and any path to personal wholeness is deserving of respect by everyone else.

But everything after the Big Bang is Science and that Science needs to be taught to everyone.  There are states in the U.S. that want their education system to teach that mankind started 6000 years ago and everything after that is in the Bible.  That is Islamic Education.  I cannot begin to list the ways in which that is wrong, so I will just point out that people were all over the world 6000 years ago so Adam & Eve's little garden was the whole world and there wasn't any room for the dinosaurs.

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