Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Compromise is What Democracy is all About

I was at a lunch yesterday where the topic was the Middle East and the status of both the Arab Spring and the growing Sunni-Shia conflict in Syria and where it may go.  Right now, there is little positive to see much of anywhere.

But the most interesting comment was the support by the people for the Egyptian Army to overthrow Morsi.  The Brotherhood and Morsi failed to realize that they needed to compromise with all factions of society if they were to govern effectively.  They didn't compromise and the public supported the coup.  Now they are out of government and violence is occurring because civil society needs compromise so everyone has a stake in the government and is not frustrated.

This is what is so disconcerting about the Tea Party in the U.S.A.  They don't want to compromise and they will not allow Congress to govern until they lose control of the House.  I cannot predict when that will happen, but I do believe it will eventually happen.  I doubt it will be 2014, but it could be 2016, 2018, 2020 or 2022.  I do believe that as long as the Tea Party dominates the GOP, a Democrat will win the Presidency, even if the GOP controls the Congress.

The following Links to a Peter Beineart discussion on the subject that is worth the time to read.

Peter Beinart LInk

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