Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One Can Only Hope: Fox News Audience Demographically Challenged

FOX NEWS’ GRAYING AUDIENCE: A fascinating tidbit from Bill Carter:
Just how old is its audience? It is impossible to be precise because Nielsen stops giving an exact figure for median age once it passes 65. But for six of the last eight years, Fox News has had a median age of 65-plus and the number of viewers in the 25-54 year old group has been falling consistently, down five years in a row in prime time, from an average of 557,000 viewers five years ago to 379,000 this year. That has occurred even though Fox’s overall audience in prime time is up this year, to 2.02 million from 1.89 million three years ago.

Perhaps, young people, who need a functioning society, are not interested in the negativism that Fox News represents and/or they have better things to do with their time.

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