Friday, July 12, 2013

Fast & Furious: Oops, it started a before 2009, Never Mind

I don't mind Congress investigating the Presidential Branch.  They are supposed to.  But I wish the current GOP led House of Representatives would do so in an honest way.

Fast and Furious — that gunrunning scheme into Mexico by federal agents, known to conservatives as a vast conspiracy by Obama to bring on gun control — is traced to the White House, just as Issa predicted. Except, it was George W. Bush’s White House, where the practice of letting guns cross borders originated in a similar program called Operation Wide Receiver. Move along.

Link to Complete Sordid Overview

We need the government to govern, not posture and pretend things don't need doing.

David Brooks debunks Anti-immigration arguments

And while David Brooks is at it, I wish he would hold the House GOP responsible for not presenting what HealthCare would look like in their vision if there were no ObamaCare.  They just vote for repeal and returning us to the land of uninsured and skyrocketing health care expenses.

I remind my readers that it was BS like this that inspired the title of this Blog!

The country has problems and there are bi-partisian solutions.  Immigration, HealthCare, Tax Reform.  As for judicial appointments, the country does not win if the Democrats never get to appoint anyone.  That is unacceptable to them and they will just block all GOP appointments if the Senate never votes on  a Democratic appointment.  It is not good for equal justice if there are an inadequate number of judges, but if I was a Democratic Senator,  I would believe that the time has come for equal behavior if the shoe is on the other foot.

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