Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's Never Simple

Which is why policies need to be thoughtful and embrace a variety of views.  Gun Control is a necessity and Stand Your Ground an absurd law.  But guns are a reality and a right.  The hard right would have you believe everyone should have a gun, but that would only create more innocent deaths.  The ultra left would have you believe many things that are not true.  Gridlock in D.C. exacerbates this because people don't see the government working.  Sequestration is causing people making $40,000 a year fixing Army trucks to lose 20% of their pay for no particularly good reason.  The trucks need fixing.  No wonder people are angry.

Anyway, both David Brooks and Charles Blow illustrate the complexity of the world in their columns today.

Charles Blow on Race Complexity in Florida

David Brooks on Society's Compexity

By the way, on a blog last week about Hateful commentary, RedStateVT commented that Democrats make hateful statements about Republicans.  Yes, but they are not NFL rookies just being part of their family.  And the owner of the Motel we stayed at over the 4th of July stills believes that Obama is a Muslim and Death Panels are in the Affordable Health Care Act.  She may be an angry undereducated individual, but she didn't make up these thoughts.  Responsible representatives of the GOP make this stuff up.

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