Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why Does the Hard Right Hate Individuals Who Have Cultural Pride?

If you listen to "Conservative" talk radio at all, you know that many of the callers and talk show hosts believe the only good Americans are caucasian.  They speak with disrespect of any cultural identity display by non-caucasians.

The latest example of this put me over the edge and asking this question.  A 22 year old American citizen of Palestinian descent (his parents came here 40 years ago), who will play in the NFL this year, spent a weekend discussing his accomplishments.  Not only did he work hard enough as an athlete to be drafted by the NFL, he graduated from the University of Virginia in 3 years (something most college football players take 5 years to do, if they do at all).  This was not a public convention.  It was the equivalent of all the immigrants from County Cork or Naples having a get together to visit, rehash life in the old country and celebrate their life in the U.S. while renewing friendship.

Yet, Front Page Magazine, an entity which purports to tell the truth to Conservatives, trashes this young man as a speaker at a Radical Muslim conference.  To what end?  I doubt they sent a reporter to this event.  I don't even have a clue how they found out about it except to ponder whether some scared white person saw people of color gathering, saw Arab names and just assumed it was a bunch of terrorists because they think all people of color are terrorists.

This is the problem with Conservative writing and talk radio.  It promotes hate.  Most people in the middle do not listen to talk radio and most people not in the Conservative movement just ignore all this. I certainly try to.  But these people need to be held accountable because they can ruin peoples lives.  They should not manufacture stuff up, which is what the Conservative Right does all the time.  Obama is a Muslim.  Obama is not a US citizen. Death Panels.  White House directed IRS investigations of citizens.  Socialist policies. and on and on and on.

Let's argue policies based on facts and truths.  There are legitimate points to both GOP and Democratic points of view.  Promoting hate is neither helpful to the process nor an attractive quality to those who perpetuate this tack.

1 comment:

  1. We suspect that Sarah Palin might have a few things to say about hate speech directed toward her. Or Herman Cain. Or Clarence Thomas. How does Mitt Romney feel about the Democrat leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, taking to the Senate floor to announce that he had heard that Romney did not pay any taxes?
