Friday, December 23, 2011

Mitt Romney is starting to scare me

I have been trying to keep an open mind about Mitt.  Not that I think I would vote for him for he is sure to appoint Supreme Court Justices that would promote both the Republican Social Agenda and protect Corporate Rights to be seen as a human being when it comes to unattributed campaign contributions.

However, I generally thought he governed Mass. in a reasonable way and he certainly ran the SLC Winter Games in a responsible way, so I have been trying to keep an open mind that he would not be terrible for the country.  This also would allow me to continue to have decent conversations with RSL about this as she has been genuinely considering him favorably.

Now, I am not so sure.  Mitt has said that he would bomb Iran to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.  Now he has said we should have kept the troops in Iraq and that means he won't be bringing them home from Afghanistan.  Never mind that the Bush Administration signed the Treaty that forced us to withdraw now anyway.

How will he pay for this?  Bombing Iran is almost sure to create military consequences that I do not believe we can even begin to imagine.  But I can imagine the economic consequences.  Oil will go to $150 a barrel before collapsing as the global economy sinks into a recession.  US Tax Revenues will go down.  Meanwhile, Romney would be promoting tax cuts to stimulate employment when the real problem is a lack of demand.  How exactly does he plan to pay for him military adventures?  How does he plan to balance the budget which we must start to proceed to do in the next administration?

So what would a Romney Presidency look like?  Military adventures continuing in Afghanistan to accomplish what?  We have already beaten Al Qaeda and the Taliban reproduce like rabbits, so there will be no shortage of people who want to shoot our troops.  Bombing Iran will create the potential for Iran to invade Afghanistan and take on US troops directly.  Then what do we do to keep our troops alive and in a "winnable" war? We will never conquer Iran and leave it in the condition that we did Iraq.  Car bombs driven by fanatics will cause tremendous harm to our troops or our troops will be shooting everyone in sight.  Meanwhile, the US Economy will be in a sink hole, our portfolios will be in a sink hole and I don't know how I will ever pay for retirement.   And I am better off than a lot of people.

So while I have previously thought that a Romney win would be good for my savings, I now doubt that.   Unless he is just a blow heart on all this Military Adventure stuff and saying it to win the nomination.  This is one thing I will hope for a flip flop on.  And I will also hope for his flip flopping his flip flop on Mass. health care which the Affordable Health Care Act is almost identical to.

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