Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why All Religions Should be Respected and our Religious Politics Do Not

The Republicans are claiming that President Obama is waging a War on Religion when all he wanted was to insure that health care plans treated all women fairly.  In other words, giving them an option to control their biology in a manner of their choice.  Yet, all I see in the paper today is these Republicans waging a war on others for believing something different than they do.

The Rev. Franklin Graham is not sure President Obama is a true Christian because the President is not waging a war against Islam by preventing the Arab Spring.  Where is Rev. Graham's respect for Islam as a religion and where is his respect for democracy?  Not to mention the limitations of American influence and military reach.  We cannot wage war everywhere.

Then Maureen Dowd wrote an excellent summary on Rick Santorum, but I was struck by her phrasing of Republican hypocrisy.   "Why is it that Republicans don't want government involved when it comes to the economy, but do want it involved when it comes to telling people how to live their lives?"

Meanwhile, the Tea Party has taken New Hampshires motto "Live Free or Die" for their own purpose without applying it universally.  They would have more credibility as libertarians if they exhibited belief in individual choices across both economic issues and personal issues.  That after all is what General John Stark considered to be the meaning of the revolution and his words for commending it when he wrote the toast in 1809.

1 comment:

  1. RedStateVT still wants to know why health insurance plans have to cover contraception. Women cannot afford a box of condoms? Liberals want conservatives out of the bedroom, except when it comes to paying for their birth control.
