Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Thoughts

The resident GOP supporters in my work setting are blaming the minority voters for voting overwhelmingly for President Obama.  I pointed out to them that there are middle of the road conservative Democrats and formerly liberal Republican's who cannot bring themselves to vote for a politician or a political party that does not believe in compromise and policies that live and breath in the middle of the extremes.  After all, that is why I started this blog and why I could not vote for any GOP candidates at this time.

Now, let's say my GOP co-workers are correct.  Well the answer is not to berate these voters but either to (i) try and convince them that they do not see their best interests correctly (but that is what Romney tried and many losing GOP senators tried) or (ii) develop policies that help achieve the goals of Government that centrist Democrats can support with centrist Republicans.  I realize this part of the political spectrum is thinly populated, but calling such people "RINO's" or whatever is not productive.

As for Mitch McConnell's #1 goal "to make President Obama a one term President" irrespective of the fact that that is a bad way for the government to conduct itself, I hope he reassesses this #1 goal and makes solving problems with Democrats his goal.

Anyway the unequivocal good news is that the Affordable Health Care Act will be implemented and that no additional Constructionist Judges will be appointed to the Supreme Court in the next 4 years.

Now, if only a Grand Compromise along the lines of Simpson Bowles can be agreed to and avoid the fiscal cliff.

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