Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why Both Parties Need to Educate the Voters with Facts

From the Pew Research Center

19% of the population wants only spending cuts.

76% want spending cuts and revenue increases with more spending cuts than revenue increases.

OK, a balanced approach until you get to the details, which is why both parties need to be honest with the voters.

49% want to increase spending on the world's needy. 48% decrease
60% want to increase spending on the State Department.  34% decrease
65% want to increase spending on the Unemployed.  32% decrease
73%...........increase.........on the military.  24% decrease
71% ............................on aid to the needy.  24% decrease care.  22% decrease
76% ....................................environment.  22% decrease  21% decrease research.  20% decrease
76%..................................agriculture.  20% decrease
77%...................................anti-terrorism.  19% decrease
81%....................................infrastructure.  17% decrease
82%....................................medicare.  15% decrease
82%................................anti-crime.  14% decrease  14% decrease
84%.................................FEMA.  12% decrease  10% decrease security.  10% decrease
91%..........increase..........Veteran's Benefits.  6% decrease

Is it any wonder the GOP's effort to starve the beast and get what they want has failed when there is so little popular support for cutting anything in detail?  Clearly something needs to give and the only way for that to happen is for both political parties to educate the voters about reality and not go for the easy spin.

There are many places where this education process has gone off the rail, but the death knell in my opinion was the Death Panel hoop-de-doo during the passage of Obamacare.  Now the GOP is committed to patients getting whatever care they need without question and their only solution is to give medicare to the private health insurance companies that have fostered the very things that are bankrupting the country.

It makes me as sick as Rush Limbaugh is.  That is the first time I ever agreed with him.

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