Saturday, February 15, 2014

Why Do the Libertarian Republicans Support Traitors?

I just don't get it.  Ron and Rand Paul want Edward Snowden to be allowed back into the U.S.A. without being prosecuted for what he did.

No one's rights are being infringed upon by the NSA gathering in a computer that one phone number called another phone number.  This information is not even looked at until somehow one phone number is found to be a terrorist's phone and then they look to see what telephone numbers that phone called or called it.

I don't know about you, but after the horror of 9/11 and any other number of efforts to blow up US citizens of any age, race, and religion, I am all for any way we can prevent terrorism without putting members of the U.S. military in harms way.

And make no mistake about it, we are still in a War on Terror.  There are plenty of jaded jihadists out there that want to kill U.S. citizens as well as Russian citizens, British citizens, Spanish citizens, Kenyan citizens, India's citizens, Indonesian citizens, and citizens of any other place they want to set a bomb off in.

I don't understand how Rand Paul intends to win the Presidency catering to Edward Snowden.  Most voters who vote for President understand the need for the best defense the government can organize and want that defense.

And thank you for asking, the skiing was great.  2 powders days and the rest was very hard packed on some fun mountains in northern New England.  Now back to my return to education and working on my career reinvention.

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