Friday, February 13, 2015

The Market Cannot Solve Everything, Government Cannot Solve Everything, Individuals Must be Self-Reliant

If I were to expound upon all my thoughts in that headline, this would be a very long and tedious blog.

So instead, I will provide a link to David Brook's column today about thought pieces that Marco Rubio and Larry Summers have produced on income inequality and middle class wage stagnation.

Link to David Brooks Column

I have to admit when Marco Rubio speaks about policy, he comes across as a reasonable human being.  His style of politics in the Grid Lock Senate though has given me a bad impression of him.

Meanwhile, the Congress is about to show why they cannot be trusted with National Defense.  Rather than pass something with compromise in it, they are threatening to not pass anything because to the GOP it will not be strong enough and to the Democrat's it is too strong.  So people should not wonder why Presidents resort to Executive Action.

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