Wednesday, August 5, 2015

isn't Insurance Conservative?

Many conservatives think people should be responsible and pay for their insurance so they are protected from all types of things that people need to be protected for.

But when society needs to buy some insurance for the collective good of society, they fight it tooth and nail because it will cost society some money.  I am of course referring to Global Warming, which many conservatives will acknowledge is happening, but believe it is inevitable and not necessarily caused by human activity.

I do think human activity contributes to global warming because that is the science that I have discussed many blogs ago.

But my real question for conservatives, is this.  If society can come up with some market based policies that encourage less production of global warming gasses, shouldn't we do that in the hope that it will make a positive change in the shrinking of the ice cap and produce lower sea levels.  I am of course referring to Cap & Trade, which was a GOP idea a long time ago.

Wouldn't a Cap & Trade policy be a sound insurance policy for the unknown consequences, but knowable risk of global warming?

That is my question for RedStateVT?

1 comment:

  1. Answer: Some insurance - like the kind they sell before you get on an airplane - is just stupid.
