Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rather Than Watch the GOP Debate

I decided to watch baseball and ponder whether my latest effort to make a little money by offering Financial Planning to people is a fool's effort.

After reaching no conclusion about that, but looking up why Pedro Alverez isn't playing (it appears the manager is tired of his not playing the field well and striking out too much, which means Pedro should probably be a DH in the American League), I decided to check in on the Washington Post website and see what was what.

Lo & behold the debate is full of insults.  Which leads me to wonder, why did the GOP let Donald Trump on the ballot.  He is a despicable human being and the personification of the dangers arising from the cult of personality.  That is what led Germany to Hitler, and while I don't believe Trump would be a Hitler, I am Caucasian and not Hispanic and my view might be different if I was Hispanic.

But I chose to write this blog because a WashPo writer pointed out that both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump believe they must pander to the elderly and state that Social Security does not need any alteration.  To those of us who do believe in Simpson Bowles, another bi-partisan effort sunk by the partisan animosity in D.C., this is far from the truth.

But you would never know it from the support these two clowns get, although it really isn't fair to include Bernie in the Clown category.  He is sometime outrageously wrong, but his issues are real and it is just his solutions are wrong.

Anyway, when the GOP panders to its base, and its leaders refuse to tell the base the truth that some things are just the way they are (as the Democrats say to theirs about gun control, even tho we disagree with it), you end up with the situation the GOP faces today.

The base is so angry that over 50% of support non-politicians.  So what did that pandering and non-leadership get the Congressional GOP?  Nothing.

So, I am Mad and Not GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.  I will not write another blog until I have something sensible to say.

And for the record, Run Joe Run.

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