Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mohamedou Ould Slahi

I read the book, Guantanamo Diary, by this author a while back.  He is prisoner in Guantanamo and the U.S. Government after 7 years of George W. Bush and 7 years of Barack Obama cannot find anything to charge him with.  He wrote his book and describes what the government thought he did and describes why he didn't do what they thought he did.

Furthermore, a Federal Judge awarded Mohamdou his petition for habeous corpus and the U.S. Government is appealing that for no good reason.  And while they release other prisoners, this Mauritanian who willingly walked into a police station in Mauritania to be questioned and was basically kidnapped by the CIA from there remains a prisoner.

So I appeal to my readers to go to the website in the link below and sign the ACLU petition asking the U.S. Government to end their appeal and release Mohamedou to Mauritania.  They are within 1000 signers of their 50,000 goal to submit the petition.

Link to ACLU petition

There are bad people in Guantanamo and they should be in U.S. prisons so we can close Guantanamo.  But Mohamedou Ould Slahi is not one of those bad people.  He should be at home pursuing whatever life he can after 14 years in Guantanamo.

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