Monday, June 13, 2016

The Sad Truth About Gun Control

Hate and terrorism go together because a rational person cannot become a terrorist if they are not driven by hate.  My belief is that hate is learned.  I am not speaking about a child's dislike of certain foods, they may hate something, but it is not really hate, it is a dislike.  Hate doesn't really occur to kids because they treat each other as a potential friend as they learn to socialize.  And even if they don't care for another child, they don't hate them because being treated fairly is something most kids have an inherent understanding of and they want to be treated fairly so they want everyone to be treated fairly.

So hate that results in terrorism is a learned hate.

The shooter in Orlando hated gay people.  He was a licensed gun owner and in fact worked as a security guard.  He passed background checks because he was a U.S. citizen who abided by the law until he didn't.  The FBI investigated him and could not come up with a reason to thwart his unknown future behavior.  Yes, not being able to own a semi-automatic weapon might have reduced his carnage, but if he had come in with a bunch of pistols in his belt, he would have still wrecked havoc and killed a number of people.

So the sad truth about gun control, is that it works for some things, but it doesn't for others.   As long as we have a gun culture and the U.S. has a gun culture that cannot be ended without the NRA ceasing to exist as an organization, there is no perfect gun control that will prevent mass murder terrorist acts on innocent U.S. citizens.

But that will not stop the GOP from trying to rally the voters from their base instincts of fear.  Paul Kruger explained today just how focused the GOP is on using lies and half truths to gain the support of their base.  The irony is a huckster from outside the system highjacked the process and gained the nomination.

I cannot explain how so many people don't realize the truth about how unfit Donald Trump is to be President, but that is the position we are in.  And the GOP is morally bankrupt as a result, but when the GOP didn't dispute Trump as a birther, and McConnell sought to make President Obama a ruined Presidency, and the GOP made promises that were impossible to keep, they were already morally bankrupt so getting a Trump or Cruz as a nominee was probably inevitable.

I will post a link to Kruger's column as it is worth reading.

Link to Kruger column

1 comment:

  1. Food for thought: Orlando shooter was a Muslim and a registered Democrat. Hmmmmm....

    And it is an absolute tragedy that the Orlando nightclub did not have armed security guards.
