Saturday, July 30, 2011

Movie Review: Collapse

Not a great movie and more like a 90 minute blog for ultra liberal concerns.  My son saw it and wondered what my thoughts were.  So below is my email to him with them.

I came up with 4 major thoughts while watching it.

1.  The peak oil concept has been around for most of my adult life coming into liberal vogue in the early 1970's.  It is definitely a true concept except that the original dates when it would happen have continued to be put off by additional findings of oil, incorporation of better technology to use energy more efficiently and the substitution of other forms of energy to replace the use of oil.

2.  The speaker portrays things as inevitable but ignores the possibility or probability that technological advances can create new ways of doing things such as renewable energy from solar, wind and water.

3.  Much of what the speaker said is correct politically around the world.  As long as resources exist, those with aspirations will pursue the means to consume them.  Americans cannot deny the Chinese, Indians or Africans economic development if they can organize their society to have economic growth.  That is not a moral judgement, it is a reality that people everywhere want to live "better".

4.  A great deal of non-energy resources are now recycled and that means we are not likely to run out of those resources.  We do need to figure out a way to grow enough food for the world to eat while using some forms of food for the production of non-fossil fuel.  The technology for this is already under development but is not fully cost effective yet.  It doesn't help that most Republicans are not believers in global warming and do not support much government support for policies that would encourage greater use of non-fossil fuels.

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