Monday, September 19, 2011

Inconsistency in the Republican Philosophy

The one thing I ask of anyone is consistency in belief, unless the facts change to support a new view.

But when it comes to philosophy, there should be only consistency.  You believe what you believe.

So the Republicans believe in State's Rights for Health Care and any other number of issues, including historically, gun control.

Now, the House Republicans are trying to pass a law that will allow concealed weapons with permits from Florida to be legal in any state, even if concealed weapons are illegal in that state.  Do state's have the right to control their own guns or not?

Gun Control, particularly hand guns, has had me perplexed for a number of years because there is no greater risk to Police Officers than automatic weapons and hand guns.  Yet, the NRA has fought efficient permit processes and any regulation of these weapons that have nothing to do with hunting.  Meanwhile, the Republicans who support law & order and protecting the police, endorse the NRA positions.

It is bad enough that this allows haphazard regulations across states, but at least I know as a resident of NY, that there is some effort to protect me from some random person starting to shoot a concealed handgun when I am in proximity to them.  Now, the House Republicans want to end that comfort for me and allow Florida's laws to override NY's.

Are they for State's Rights or NOT!  and if they are not, where does that put the philosophical back drop  to fight the Affordable Health Care Act

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