Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, I Wish I Could Find Something Other than Politics to write about

This is getting boring except for the fact that the stakes are so high if the Republicans win.

So, where is this going?  This is going to be a list of things that the Republicans stand for.

A failed Presidency.  I quote Senate Minority Leader.  "There is nothing more important than making Barack Obama's presidency a failed one."  What about the health of the economy requiring coherent government policy?

Repeal the Affordable Health Care Act.  What about the right of people with pre-existing conditions to get health insurance?  What about the cost of the uninsured who cannot pay bills that get added to the cost of those who can pay bills?  What about the $2000 bill for the uninsured that gets knocked down to $300 for the insured?

Allow anyone to own an automatic weapon.  Anyone noticed who seems to suffer when a crazy person gets their hands on an automatic weapon?  Innocent children, students and random adults like judges and congresswoman.

Ignore Science.  Evolution, Global Warming, and Vaccinations are theories that are optional to be believed.  I am sorry, I had trouble typing that because if there is one thing in this world that is proven over and over again and subject to reviews, it is scientific publications.  No one has more to win by disproving scientific theories than another scientist.  Galileo was proven right eventually, but ostracized from the church because the church did not believe the earth rotated around the sun.  But the fact that the Republicans want to promote themselves as being against things that the scientific community holds as valid and well proven does not stop Republicans from saying that what they believe is truth and science is the theoretical.  This was hard for me to write as it is foreign to my core education.  I am floored that no one in the Republican Party sees a winning line by supporting evolution as a truth.

Doubt Birth Certificates.  Well if it looks real then it might not be real.  See Ignore Science. or maybe it is See A Failed Presidency.  I don't know but there is no Republican candidate right now that is going to get me to vote for them over a ticket of Donald Duck and Goofy because they know more than this group of Republicans.

Reduce Tax Revenue.  Are we going to let the social safety net fail before we raise taxes to pay for the war on terror?  Which by the way President Obama is winning!

I am sure I could come up with more but I left my punch line two paragraphs up.  4 1/2 hours to play 14 holes today because the golf course was backed up so badly.  I gave up so I could walk the dog before dark.

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