Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why do the Republicans Have to Lie?

John McCain today in his endorsement of Mitt Romney stated that President Obama has destroyed the US military.

I fine this the type of untruthful comment that has driven me from ever considering voting for a Republican despite my desire to keep an open mind. I do not vote for liars.  In fact, I have fired anyone who has ever lied to me.  One lie, fired. No Grace.  As adults, our word is our honor and trust requires honesty.

The military is large, well armed and well paid.  Our newest equipment has helped us win the War on Al Qaeda.  All this on President Obama's watch.

Now if Senator McCain is thinking of the current budget agreement that requires the military to cut its spending, he need only look at his fellow Republicans who refuse to raise revenues to pay for the current military and the debt that has been incurred paying for the borrowed War on Terror.  In fact, he should just look in the mirror because those were his votes also!

1 comment:

  1. President Obama said that he was going to close Gitmo. He didn't. He lied. Will you vote for him?
