Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Economist Calls Out the GOP Lies

I quote this week's Economist magazine.

"Mr. Romney's retort (to Mr. Obama's "Social Darwinism" statement) is that the President is attacking policies nobody is proposing, "setting up straw men to distract from his record".  Coming from Republicans, this is rich.  They have attacked a straw man since the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated.  They label his conventional Keynesian response to deep recession "socialist".  They  called "Obamacare" unAmerican, even though this market-based scheme to extend health care to 30 mm uninsured Americans is almost identical to the one Mr. Romney adopted as governor of Massachusetts."

"Mr. Romney also accuses Mr. Obama of drowning the American dream in a sea of red ink.  But on this issue there is plenty of blame to go around.  Although Mt. Obama has yet to come up with a serious plan to tame entitlements, he did try last summer to negotiate a "grand bargain" on the deficit.  And when that failed, agreed with Congress on $1.2 trillion of automatic deficit reducing spending cuts to start in 2013."

The leader goes on to worry that the current gridlock will continue with Mr. Obama in the White House and a Republican Congress.

We can only hope that post election, soberness recognizing the need for balance comes to the surface in a sufficient number of legislators and the Administration.

1 comment:

  1. Obama himself said to Joe the Plumber: "what's wrong with spreading the wealth around?" Repubs didn't make it up, it was widely reported and the video is out there. THIS is why people believe he is a socialist. Should we not believe him when he makes such statements?
