Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fox News is Dishonest and a Propaganda Organization

I know I am not the 1st person to make this observation, but I was subjected to Fox News (cable version) this morning and the choice was to either suffer or not eat breakfast, so I suffered.

The story they were covering was a poll as to whether people believed President Obama lied about various things.  The %'s that did believe he lied were something like 60% of Republicans, 41% of independents and 16% of Democrats.  Then Fox News went to state the things that the President has allegedly lied about, only they did not say allege.  They stated as absolutes that the President is lying about any number of things.

Now I know for a fact based on many different news reports that Fast and Furious was started by the ATF in 2006.  I doubt very much anyone in the Bush White House was aware of this and I do not hold them responsible for it.  But Fox News says when Obama states this, he is lying.  They say it started it in 2009 even though it blew up in October 2009 and various ATF documents and people say they had been working on it for years (i.e. 2006).  How does a news organization blatantly lie about something while accusing someone they disagree with of lying?  It is just dishonest and I really don't think Fox News can be looked at as a news organization.  It is a Propaganda Organization, worthy of being something the KGB would dream up for Russia.

Other things, they said Bush was lying about was something about Bengazi, ObamaCare numbers, and a few other things that I cannot recall.

I just don't understand how our tradition of honest news organizations has become so perverted within Fox News.  Unfortunately, this spills over into my view of the Wall Street Journal and the Dow Jones News Service, all owned by NewsCorp.

I was almost nauseous listening to this sh*t being broadcast by Fox News, and I am appalled by the fact that I know there are people who watch this and believe what they are saying because they are a news organization and we are trained from youth to believe that news organizations are objective.  Not everybody learns otherwise as they age.  I wish I could put NewsCorp out of business, but all I can do is avoid their newspapers and not watch their TV channels.

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