Thursday, October 30, 2014

Poll Showing Drop In Support for ObamaCare Principal: You have to wonder

Support for the concept of Universal Healthcare (which is mandated by a Reagan era law that states Hospitals must care for the indigent) has fallen from 66% to 47% of the population by one poll.  Of course, I think a poll like this has the same problems that election polls have; minorities and young people and non-landline answerers don't get included.

But it is all we have and must take it at face value.

So 53% of the population believes that poor and middle class people who don't get health insurance at work, should not have access to health insurance.  Remember the policy wonks of both parties believe (as do I) that health insurance should be separate from employment and you can't get there without a robust Medicaid subsidy program like the Heritage Foundation/RomneyCare/Obamacare design.

But what is really stunning about what the 53% believe is that they think they can afford health insurance, without an employer subsidy, when the uninsured are getting treated at the E.R. with their costs covered by the hospitals upping the bills for those with insurance.  There is no free lunch in health care.  Health care providers get paid and health insurers make sufficient payments so the care providers get paid, and we make payments to the health insurance companies so they remain profitable.  So we either pay through the tax system supporting their Medicaid subsidy or we pay through higher health insurance premiums.

And it is the supposed direct higher cost of health insurance that makes people so angry about ObamaCare.  I suspect most of the complainers haven't had cancer yet and are betting on their diabetes holding off until they are on Medicare, where they definitely do not want anything changed.  And Medicare is someplace you definitely need either change or more financial support from somewhere.

I know thoughtful Republicans understand all this, just as GOP Congressman Camp understood the need for Tax Reform.  But all the thanks Congressman Camp got was a DOA designation from Boehner and now Camp has retired from Congress.

I wish the same poll had asked whether people support financial stability for Medicare.  Because you don't have a financially stable Medicare if you aren't giving the under 65 crowd access to affordable health care/insurance.

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