Monday, January 5, 2015

Police Under Fire and Their Fighting Back

No one is comforted by seeing policemen disrespecting Mayors and Police Superintendents; just as no one wants to see policemen assaulted or assassinated.  And most people don't want to see the police shooting and killing unarmed citizens.

There is real anger in the NYC ranks of citizens about police behavior.  And there is real anger in the ranks of NYC policemen that they are not being respected.  Yet, those policemen don't want anyone held accountable for the death of Eric Garner, who was selling cigarettes that he bought retail, paying the tax on, and resold them as individual cigarettes, paying no further tax on.  Hardly a serious crime, but he was choked to death by a policeman.  Why?  There was no answer to that in the grand jury that  did not indict anyone.

And there is real reason the police used stop & frisk and don't like seeing protestors running amok on the streets.  Bad people exist in this world, the police are our front line in protecting us from them, and many of those bad people have guns that they will use to harm our police.

While almost all police are good people, there are some who stray off the path of righteousness.  The people have a right to be protected from them and in return, the people have an obligation to protect the police who protect them.

Effective gun control would be a good place to start, but the NRA and the GOP won't allow any discussion of how that might be a good place to start protecting the police.  The NRA and the GOP believe the only effective defense is a good old fashioned gun fight between the good guy police and the bad guys.  But the good guys don't always get a chance to defend themselves and innocent people get hurt in gun fights.

The NRA/GOP position is insane.

1 comment:

  1. The cigarettes sold by "entrepreneurs" like Garner are bought in places like North Carolina where taxes are low. They are resold in NYC and sellers make the spread. Cops are encouraged to make these low level arrests because cigarette taxes in NYC fund the Left's social agenda.
