Monday, April 25, 2016

Conservative Blogosphere Illustrates Why Trumpies Have Abandoned the GOP Establishment

I have been waiting for my friend RedStateVT to enlighten me on how conservatives are going to respond to the desires of the Trump supporters for health insurance that works for them, protecting Social Security and Medicare and doing something besides cutting taxes to support economic growth.

Instead, all he can do is write about how liberals want more income redistribution. I don't deny that Bernie Sanders, his Senator, whom I know he has never voted for (nor did I) is running his campaign to do that, but Hilary's moderate supporters understand there are limits to income redistribution and just want a government that funds itself to meet its promised obligations while creating and maintaining a well regulated playing field.

That in essence is what the Trumpies want too and what Donald Trump is promising them, although in his case, he would also destroy international trade to get his way.

But in any case, I would have thought the conservative blogosphere would be looking for conservative solutions that address people's problems.  Like affordable health insurance.  Health insurance was a mess before Obamacare, which was designed by the Heritage Foundation (a GOP think tank) as a way to expand the number of insured while keeping the private sector involved.  But instead, the conservative blogosphere is just criticizing Bernie supporters for wanting a free college education and more income redistribution.  Where is the critical introspection for dealing with the fact that Ted Cruz and all the other establishment conservatives have been rejected by a majority of the voting GOP.

Conservatives have been so busy criticizing everything Obama, they forgot they needed to have ideas that the voting population can believe in.  And now that they are losing, they are blaming the voters for wanting a government that works and seeing liberal instincts in that.  Every GOP President since Eisenhower, except maybe Bush II, believed in making government work for the people who vote them into office.

The conservative blogosphere does not acknowledge that as a lesson of this primary season.

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