Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday Quick Takes 9/25/16

I have discussed how I don't understand how accurate polls can be taken.  Yet, somehow polls repeatedly show Trump's voter support within the margin of error with Clinton barely leading.  All the while Trump continues to lie.  The New York Times came up with 31 substantial lies he made in statements within the last week.  They ignored items where he merely stretched the truth beyond a measure of reality.  In other words, they cut him some slack and only tallied the most egregious lies.

Trump is a habitual lier and that puts in the same league as Putin and Assad, both of whom use lies to systemically provide cover to their egregious acts of using military force to achieve their authoritarian political aims.  And Russian leadership is rooting for a Trump victory because they know he will not push them on cleaning up their rotten democratic processes.  And Assad is probably rooting for a Trump victory because Trump has promised to carpet bomb ISIS and Al Nusra.  While that will undoubtedly result in civilian deaths, it will leave Assad in power and that is all he cares about.  Like Putin, he doesn't give a rat's ass about his civilian population.

Which leaves me wondering how the GOP voters can support a lying Putin Assad sympathizer?  You can only imagine how the GOP media machine would be ripping a Democrat if they put forth similar beliefs.  Apparently stuffing the Supreme Court so that it allows voter discrimination and actively protects business from regulation is more important than anything else that is normally a requirement to be President.

Meanwhile, two more policeman (one a female, one an African American) kill unarmed African American males because their fear that they might have a weapon overcame their rationality and they fired their weapons.  I understand the police have a difficult job and that their lives are in danger every minute of every day.  But Black Lives Matter too and you would think police and their supporters would want sufficient controls on weapons so that police are not in fear all the time.

The 2nd Amendment preserves the right to weapons that were technologically modern in 1786, not what we have today.

This country is definitely going in the wrong direction and my belief in that has everything to do with the GOP, not the Democrats.  And I don't see any way the next election will improve things.

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