Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Debate #1 Comments

I wish Hillary had laid out a snappy one liner to describe her vision for America.  I know the problems are complicated and she described a number of areas she will focus on to deal with that complexity.  But when 25% of voters still are not sure President Obama was born in the U.S., you need a pithy statement that people can identify with.  I don't have one to suggest, but with all her high priced talent on her staff you would think someone could come up with something.

As for Donald Trump, his microphone was working fine.  I heard every word he said clearly, although  on more than one occasion I was unable to understand the thoughts that he was trying to convey.  Instead, I was saying, " What is his policy?"

I did hear Donald Trump admit that he doesn't pay any taxes and that to do so would be stupid.  I have a friend in the real estate business who told me this might be the case because he would own buildings that throw off a lot of depreciation.  Of course, that is why Trump wants to be President.  If there are estate taxes, those buildings will have to be sold to pay the taxes on his estate and his heirs will have less wealth.  If he is President, he has pledged to eliminate estate taxes.

So his run for President is all about his personal wealth, because his economic policies tearing up trade agreements would endanger every one else's wealth.

We manufacture just as much as we did 30 years ago.  It is just done with less people (more automation) and in different industries that are located in different parts of the country.  Those industries are part of the global economy and compete well within it.

You can't go back in time, and if you want to, well you know who else wants to:  ISIS and Vladimer Putin.

1 comment:

  1. Heard a good one..... how is it that the New York Times is able to find a Trump tax return from 1995, but can't find the text of speeches Hillary Clinton made to Goldman Sachs two years ago?
