Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Intelligent People Created Donald Trump

With a bit of ego, I will admit that I think of myself as an Intelligent person.  Not a genus, but I can compete in the world of thought.

But when you read Roger Cohen's list of all the social and economic trends that have created the opportunity for a narcissist like Trump to get 40% of the voter's support you realize that policies (of both the GOP and the Democrats) over the last 50 years are responsible for the position we are in.  And if we had certain policies that this substantial minority want in place, you would have an equal amount of anger on the left and in the minority community.  But reading the column what I realized is that people who get left behind get angry before they depart and we are dealing with the unintended consequences of polices I thought were settled a long time ago and were basic operating procedures for the U.S.A.

Link to Roger Cohen who says it better than I do

Meanwhile David Brooks discusses the concept of citizenship and how Trump is an example of how a complete focus on greed within policy undermines citizenship.  Since this is where the tax cutting GOP slaves to Grover Norquist function it is an interesting link.  After all, the GOP thinks they are more patriotic than the Democrat's are, yet it is GOP policies that are undermining the concept of citizenship.

Of course, I am of a generation that was deeply affected by the Vietnam War.  It's not that I think ill of men who went there, I have met many who did and am amazed by some the brave things they did and then there are all the ones I have not met.  But my dismay at the futility of sending troops to fight an enemy that can blend in with the people who are supposedly on our side has reduced my fervor for honoring some of the symbols of patriotism.  My dismay at the way the government can obfuscate reality and send troops in harm's way eliminates any unquestioning attitude I might have had when it comes to saying "Yes Sir, What do you want me to do?"  And when the police (who have every reason to be afraid for their lives) go killing unarmed African American men, I understand that such self-identifying people might not want to honor the symbols of the government that is not protecting them.

This is a complicated subject, so I will let you read David Brook's column and you can see where your thoughts go.  Fortunately, there are responsible ways in which I do behave as a citizen.

Link to David Brooks column

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