Saturday, November 19, 2016

Alt Right Has a Seat at the Talbe

This is an unfortunate truth about this election.  But the Alt Right is not a group in agreement.  I picked all this up in my waking up haze listening to "On the Media' on NPR.  There are 4 Groups which I cannot recall here and their objectives vary quite a bit in emphasis.

But one guy who sounds reasonable spoke with clarity.  I will get to why I do not agree with him later in this blog.

He believes all groups vote within their self interest and white people should do the same.  He believes individuals have a right to discriminate against anybody they wish to discriminate against, but the government does not have a right to such discrimination.  He believes that whites should congregate in like communities and be free to practice their discrimination against any individual within that community that they want to.  Minorities within that area can move away if they don't like it.  He thinks all ethnic groups behave this way already, but the government only enforces whites to not behave this way.  He believes that this is the essence of American liberty and the government forcing heterosexual white people to accept gay marriage and any other number of issues like that is an affront to their civil liberty and that anybody who doesn't agree with them is closed minded and ignorant.

I like to think of myself and open minded and knowledgable, which is why I write this blog to educate the world about truths as I understand them from my education, experience, reading and travel.

And I do not agree with him.

The problem with his train of thought, is that when groups congregate into like minded people, not everybody within that area (lets call it a "State") will be of the same race or religion.  And when like minded people congregate they gain political power.  And historically, they used the state to exercise political power and discriminate against individual and minority groups.  While some minorities can and do move away from this State, others cannot afford to and have the right to stay where they are. That is the history of African Americans, Jews, Asians and Gay people in America.  Making that exercise of power to discriminate against anybody illegal is the essence of the Civl Rights Act of 1964.  And it is Federal control over State's Rights on the ability to authorize legal discrimination of individuals against individuals because when individuals congregate together and act in a certain way, even if they feel that is their individual right, they are acting as a government body.

While the individual may have the right to do something within their small environment, as a group they do not have such rights as even this individual acknowledged that the government cannot discriminate.  So forcing a baker to provide a cake for a gay wedding is perhaps a step too far, but when it comes to drawing the line in such a way, it is a slippery slope from one cake, to other forms of discrimination and criminality against minorities as group think.  That is why there can be no legally sanctioned discrimination by individuals at a State level.

This is where the real fight in Congress is going to be on Alt-right issues.

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