Thursday, November 10, 2016

I am Working my Way Through the Grieving Process

I have been through the phases of anger, shock, disgust, acceptance and decided how I will deal with a Trump Presidency.  The 1st thing I must say is I voted against my economic interest because as a former member of the 1% I have substantial savings and as long as the Trump policies do not cause a U.S. recession/depression (which if he implements them, they will) I will personally be fine.

I think Trump understands that he won the election because people were angry about the effects of globalization upon their local communities.  That is why the Democrats lost rural white Democratic voters.  So I think Trump will back off some of his more extreme economic policy positions, but as with anything with this despicable human being, we don't know for sure.  But hotel occupancy rates and luxury destinations do not do well in economic downturns. The key question is when he wants to increase infrastructure spending will the Freedom Caucus let him or will they be overruled by the Center.

Hillary won the popular vote (barely) so the issue for Democrat's is what do you do about gaining back your market share in the rust belt without upsetting your ultra left wing types.  The interesting thing to me is that Jill Stein did not see the damage she could do to women's rights.  Although she cost Hillary only two states (Michigan & Wisconsin), that would not have given Hillary 270 electoral college votes and the election would have gone to the House where you know who would have been elected.  But with the absolute importance of the Supreme Court as an Issue (but not one that I believe decided the election), you would think Ms. Stein would have considered this issue.  Of course, maybe she did and she is Pro-Life, so she might be thrilled about his possibility as opposed to global warming about which she is passionate about.

I have written since the inception of this blog as to the difficulties in designing policies that help those left behind by globalization because advances in technology are such a complementary factor to that globalization.  So I have no idea what Trump will actually propose and try to implement because I don't think he knows.

So I have decided to not watch T.V. News (sorry NewsHour and CBS News) because I cannot stand Donald Trump's voice.  I will just read the newspapers that RedStateVT thinks are all biased.  We will see where the Democrats filibuster and thank goodness I will be on Medicare in 20 months. Whatever, the GOP does about Health Insurance in 2017, I will only have to live 8 months in 2018 with their new design.  Knock on wood, I may even be healthy enough to risk going uninsured for 8 months although that would not be my 1st choice given the importance of catching cancer early and the Russian Roulette that cancer is to anyone over the age of 50.  And we know Donald Trump supports Social Security and Medicare, about the only concrete thing he promised was that he would protect those programs.  Of course, he could change his mind about that.

Meanwhile, the law suits against Trump University will continue in late November so we could have a sitting President sitting in a trial testifying about his fraudulent corporate design.  In addition to all the despicable words that he has said and tweeted, his unethical business practices, he may well have sponsored a fraudulent activity in Trump University.  We have elected a potential guilty as charged criminal as President.  Will there be an Impeachment if he is found guilty in this civil trial?

I don't know, but it won't change the damage to liberal beliefs that this election will result in because of the Supreme Court.  And Ralph Nadar has no regrets about his costing Al Gore Florida in 2000.  I wonder what he really believes in.  I think he might be right wing undercover plant.  I blame Ralph Nadar more than anybody else for the bleak future of liberal beliefs over the next 20 years.  What is it with the Green's.  I am pro-environment, but not at the expense of economic growth and winning elections.  If you don't win elections, the anti-environment people win the elections.

Meanwhile, legal marijuana was on 7 ballots the other day, and every result I could find resulted in passage.  So, not every liberal cause is in jeopardy.

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