Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Donald Trump Melts Down

Numerous reports this afternoon about his ego being bruised by the millions of women marching on Saturday and sending his press secretary out with explicit orders to take they and the media down, irrespective of the truth.

And today we find out that the Head of the OMB wants to gut Medicare, when Trump campaigned on protecting Medicare.  Can't wait to see how that plays out in the 2018 mid-term elections.  Especially, if the Democrats can develop a factory worker economic policy that might work in northern rural areas.  Trump's is likely to mostly help the South.

But none of that will matter to core Trump supporters who are described by by Terrell Jermaine Starr as being only concerned about protecting their privilege.

 Link to full column

"No matter. Russia is not a threat to most Trump supporters. Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and anyone nonwhite, however, are."
"The New York Times found that most Trump supporters in Louisiana and Indiana, states he won by 20 points, don’t understand why the Russian interference is a big deal. The report found that several of them flat-out did not believe Russia tried to interfere with the election and that they were drawn to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan. One supporter told a Times reporter that if hacking helped Trump win, “I’m glad they did it.”
"Their indifference to Putin’s behavior may be shocking to many of us, but it really shouldn’t be. These are the same supporters who back a man who went on a years-long witch hunt to force Barack Obama to produce a birth certificate to disprove he was born in Kenya. Two-thirds of them believe he is a Muslim."
"If protecting the integrity of the United States were a priority to Trump backersthey would be appalled by Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, which would resolve any questions of potential business dealings he has with foreign governments. They would object to his insults of the men and women who serve in the intelligence community and who characterize Russia as an “existential threat.”
"But none of this matters to many Trump supporters — racism won’t allow them to see that Moscow is a far more dangerous threat to them than Mexico City. Trump is obliging their No. 1 concern: the defense of American whiteness."

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