Saturday, May 14, 2011

Politicians Pander (and do not lead) Again

Both parties used their Saturday Radio Address to address the issue of "high" gasoline prices.  (Who listen's to these anyway, I listen to a lot of radio and have never hear one, but thanks to reporters, I always get the gist.)

Anyway, both the President and some Republican bimbo from PA, basically said Drill Baby Drill (not that I ever saw a baby drill, but they do drool) and that will somehow control the price of gasoline.  Do they really think that if the U.S. suddenly found 20 bn barrels of oil and sold 1 bn a year that it would have serious effect on the price of gasoline?  No!!  The BRICS increased usage of gasoline would absorb that in no time at all.  The only thing that will control the price of gasoline is less usage of gasoline.  Either drive less or get a more fuel efficient car and we can only hope that T. Boon Pickens is right and there is both enough natural gas and an efficient way to have it power a car (both of which have to be proven).  So the only person leading on this issue is T. Boon.  Everyone else is pretending that drilling helps.

Anyway, there is a lot of natural gas in the shale formations of the U.S., but I wish I could believe my energy experts that it is safe to hydrofragment the shale without polluting the water.  Their statements make sense to me when they explain them, but then I see experts who study Pennsylvania hydrofragging and they say it is not clear that the chemicals do not find their way up from 7000 feet down.  I don't know what is correct but I wish the experts would figure it out and put it to rest.

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