Friday, June 22, 2012

The GOP is on the Verge of Repeating the McCarthy Era

I am now reading a book about some people who were on the periphery of the McCarthy investigation in the late 1940"s early 1950's.  These people were investigated and questioned because they were somehow associated with other people who were being investigated for being communist sympathizers.

While the current GOP is not accusing anybody on the other side of being pro-terrorist or communist, they are unrelenting in their accusations and use of half (to zero) truths which is similar to the McCarthy tactics.  Witness the Birther people who are not criticized by anyone in the GOP.  Witness the campaign theme that tax cuts can be made and the budget balanced.  Witness Grover Norquist forcing anyone in the GOP who does not want a Tea Party challenger to sign the no-tax-increase pledge.  Witness the GOP insisting that the Affordable Health Care Act can be repealed and something else found that will reduce health care costs without death panels (which by the way are NOT in the Affordable Health Care Act).  Witness the GOP believing that people who do not have health insurance do not impose a cost upon the health care system.

I am very afraid of what will happen if we have a GOP Congress and a President Romney.  How can you govern honestly when you campaign with secret donations and are not open to belief in the truth at all times?  The country will get what it deserves if this happens.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to choose which comment to focus on.... First, you again prove the point that Liberals are the only ones talking any more about where Obama was born. Repubs are expected to issue a press release every morning affirming their belief that Obama was born in Hawaii. (Which hospital, of course, is still up for debate!) Second, not Death Panels. Panels to help with "end of life" decisions...
