Saturday, June 30, 2012

More Proof Senator McCarthy tactics are present in the GOP

John Robert's is a conservative Judge.  He has only served in Republican administrations. He was appointed to the bench by Republican Presidents.

Yet, he makes one objective decision regarding the Constitution that is harmful to a GOP belief and here are a selection of GOP statements.

Mike Spence Republican Congressman:  "The Supreme Court decision on health care is the legislative equivalent of the 9/11 terrorist attacks."

Making a decision on the Constitution that you don't like is the equivalent of the death of over 3000 Americans in one violent act?

Senator Paul Rand, Republican:  "Just because a couple of people on Supreme Court declare something to be 'consitutional' does not make it so."

What is the role of the Supreme Court then in Senator Rand's view of government?  Only something that he agrees with?

Glen Beck GOP Media Mogul:  "Roberts is a coward"

Once again, everything is fine when Citizens United is decided but not when Health Care is decided.

Michael Savage GOP Media Mogul:  "Robert's has epilepsy and his medication made him vote this way."  "Neurologists will tell you that medication used for seizure disorders, such as epilepsy, can introduce mental slowing, forgetfulness and other cognitive problems.  And if you look at Robert's writing, you can see cognitive dissociation in what he is saying."

Funny, he didn't believe this when Citizens United was decided or affirmed this year.  Perhaps, he would like Judge Roberts to resign this year and let President Obama  appointed a new Chief Justice?

My point in all this is my original motivation for starting this blog.  You need to respect the other side and bring policy back to the middle when changing it.  There needs to be respect for where the country is coming from and you should not have radical change.  Progress is made incrementally.  Taxes are not unpatriotic.  Government has a role, it should be run as efficiently as possible and it must be paid for.  Denigrating the opposition or your own when they disagree with you has put the Country in a position of not making progress on serious problems that the country faces.

Who wants to have a discussion with someone who doesn't listen, respond thoughtfully, and acknowledge that politics are the art of the possible, not the rigidity following one radical path or the other.  We can only solve problems by balancing the Democrats belief that government works and is part of the solution with the Republican belief that government should be run in a fiscally sound manner and be as limited as possible.  This is why there are 2 parties and election results vary from time to time and place to place.

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