Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More Thoughts About Romney's Statements

As I read other people's comments on Governor Romney's comments at the May fund raiser, I have been struck by how many people believe that he truly believes that the Earned Income Tax Credit, which was promoted by and expanded by the actions of 3 Republican Presidents (Ford, Reagan, Bush I), as well as the expansive use of Food Stamps by people whose income as fallen in this GOP generated recession, create a 47% base for President Obama that he cannot get to.

If he truly believes that, why is it that the states with the highest level of non-taxpayers and recipients of Food Stamps are in states that are almost certainly to vote for him.  It illustrates a shocking misreading of who supports President Obama and who might be an independent that Romney might attract.

Also, his comments on the Palestinians highlights how in pocket of Netanyahu Romney is.  I ask Governor Romney, just as I ask President Netanyahu, what is the solution if it not a Palestinian state?  Are you going to kill all the Palestinian's?  Are you going to create a mass eviction of them to other countries?  Isn't the former what Hitler did to the Jews?  Isn't the latter what the Egyptians did to the Jews 3000 (?) years ago.  Does anyone expect such actions to create secure borders for Israel?

The West Bank Jewish settlements are a tremendous obstacle to a lasting peace.  The Palestinians cannot clearly control the worst elements of their population and may be complicit in bad actions, but only if the Palestinians have a country with clear borders will they have the responsibility to deliver the normal things to their people, and they can only make such delivery possible through peace with Israel.  If they fail to do so, they can be held accountable by both Israel and the Palestinian populations.  But the Palestinians cannot get a consensus for peace while those settlements exist.

I don't trust Governor Romney to conduct a sensible foreign policy and I don't believe he can balance the budget without raising revenues.  Furthermore, fair entitlement reform requires the War on Terror be paid for by an increase in revenues.  Finally, I don't trust Governor Romney to support freedom on social issues with this Supreme Court appointments.

With those comments, I come out firmly that I will be voting for President Obama's reelection.

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