Thursday, September 20, 2012

This Why I Read so Many News Articles

You never know when you will see a gem of a comment that is true and very revealing.

From E.J. Dionne.

"And Romney said not a word about all the redistribution upward in a tax code that favors investment over labor income. That’s why Romney pays federal taxes at a much lower rate than do many in middle class — and why, given his stress on the importance of paying income taxes, he might usefullyrelease a few more of his own tax returns."

Who are the moochers?  Those who take advantage of 15% tax rates on capital or those who work hard all day for very little and pay 8.6% in FICA and Medicare taxes and may not be able to afford health insurance?  Seems like the only hard workers in Romney case are people like me who have paid 28% to 39% to the Fed's, 7% to 9% to the States and 8.6% in FICA and Medicare, the latter two of which the GOP now want to take away from anyone younger than 55.

And while I am at it.

From Nicholas Kristoff

"When I was growing up in Oregon, it was Democrats who were typically the crazies. Gov. George Wallace (“segregation forever”) tapped into populist resentments in his presidential campaigns. Lyndon Larouche was a cult leader seeking the Democratic nomination.
Oregon’s senators then were Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood, both Republicans of a kind that barely exist today. Hatfield was a strong opponent of the Vietnam War, and Packwood supported abortion rights. Oregon’s governor at the time, Tom McCall, was a Republican and a leading environmentalist.
I called up Packwood and asked him if he and Hatfield would be Republicans if they were starting over. “We both wondered about that,” he said.
Packwood noted that the Republican Party once attracted union support, black support, urban and bicoastal support."
I know RedStateVT doubts me, but I did used to be a Republican and I have not changed that much, the Republican Party has no room for my social views and belief that government has a role to play in providing the opportunity for social mobility and a safety net.

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