Friday, December 21, 2012

Has the GOP Lost Their Mind?

On the Fiscal Cliff, if you just say no and don't participate in a solution, how can you expect to influence the solution?  No wonder most voters blame the GOP for the calamity we are possibly going to enter.

As for the NRA, my estimate is that it would cost $10 bn a year to put an armed guard in every school. I estimated, with the help of my colleagues at work where we split 50/50 politically, that there are 150,000 schools and each guard would cost $70,000 a year with benefits.  How are school systems that are under financial pressure going to pay for these guards?  Once again, the GOP sticks their head in the sand and says no to everything.  I think the GOP supports mass murderers.

1 comment:

  1. According to the New York Times today, there are ALREADY armed guards in schools in Miami, Houston, LA, Dallas and St. Louis. Make them union jobs and Obama and the Democrats will find the money for them!
