Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Whoops, I forgot about the Conservatives who don't face voters

They are coming out of the wood work to oppose any compromise, saying that the President did not win a mandate.  So when 70+% of the voters blame the Republicans for sending us over the cliff and possibly into recession, know that I will be in agreement with them.

I hope you have enough cash to weather the recession because your investments will be in sewer if this comes to pass without compromise.

Here are some quotes assembled from a Yahoo story.

"Heritage's response echoed the sentiment of many conservatives in Washington who are urging House Republicans to avoid cutting a deal with the president if it means raising taxes.
In an open letter signed by more than 100 prominent conservative activists and organized by the advocacy group Let Freedom Ring, House Republicans were warned that they would not receive support in the future if they "cave" during negotiations.
"In the House, the nation elected in 2012 one of the largest Republican majorities in the past 100 years. You have a mandate to fight for conservative principles that is arguably much broader than the one that narrowly reelected President Barack Obama claims to have for his leftist agenda," the letter read. It was signed by Republican activists like Richard Viguerie, Leadership Institute founder Morton Blackwell, Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and Republican donor Foster Friess."

1 comment:

  1. Two thoughts:

    - Republicans will be blamed no matter what happens.
    - How serious is Obama about a solution when his proposal includes granting himself the unilateral right to raise the debt ceiling?
