Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cuomo's Protection of Sheldon Silver is Disqualifying for Higher Office

I have been a hold my nose voter for Andrew Cuomo basically because the GOP has nominated idiots to run against him who slavishly held to positions that have no place in NY State politics:  anti-gun control, anti-immigration, anti-womens' rights, and anti-ObamaCare.

But I was taken aback when Cuomo disbanded his own ethic's commission just when they were starting to reach some conclusions.  Fortunately, the Federal Attorney for NY State said "wait-a-minute" by subpoenaing those files.  And now comes a news story that reveals what was trying to be buried.

There is some no-name law firm in NYC that handles property tax appeals.  And who do they both pay money to and appeal the property tax rates on his property?  Why, none other than Sheldon Silver, the king of NYC corruption, although up until now there has been no proof, only strong circumstantial evidence.

I can only hope that this investigation reaches some fruitful end.

Meanwhile, Cuomo's illogical thought process to banning fracking while killing the Moreland Commission shows that his aspirations for higher office should never see the light of day.  He is not sufficiently independent of the left wing kooks that can dominate NY State/NYC politics while turning a blind eye and accomodating union and political back office corruption.

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