Sunday, August 14, 2016

Be Careful What You Wish For or Sunday Discoveries About the Election

Boy, Henrik Stenson sure can putt well.  The most 50'ers in a four day period ever I believe.  Also, there sure are a lot of alligators or crocodiles at the Olympic golf venue.  New definition of water hazard.

Pundits are coming up with new ways to analyze this election.  Some strike me more as more real than others.  Ross Douthat analyzed it as a conflict between sexual revolutions with Hugh Hefner admirers supporting Donald Trump (and watching porn on their computers perhaps) while women's liberation types support Hillary.  Someone else, pointed out that white working class men used to vote the way their union told them to and now with unions waning power they are free agents to vote their personal beliefs which can well reflect ignorance and hate.  Both writers used the words, be careful what you wish for since in their view it is responsible for Trump being the candidate (The GOP for wanting to end the power of unions and women for wanting sexual freedom).  Nicholas Kristoff pointed out that people who need to be feel superior to someone support Trump and his lack of political correctness allows them to voice their ugly ignorant racist thoughts at whomever they want to target.

Meanwhile, we had dinner with friends last night and a new (to our little group) couple of people told anecdotes about experience doing work for Donald Trump in the 1980's or 1990's.  In each case, the people found their original pricing for service subject to Trump personally objecting to the price even though his people had contracted for it.  He basically tore up the contract, said sue me and then offered to pay a price that would be a little more than Original Price less lawyers fees.  He is a dishonest person who is only out to enrich himself.  He is more Kardashian than the Kardashian's.

Meanwhile, my distrust of polling remains high and while I hope Hillary wins every state, I have no idea how pollsters can get an honest assessment of an election when many people refuse to answer phone calls when they don't recognize the phone number.

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