Thursday, August 18, 2016

Extreme Vetting & Other Tidbits from the Trump Campaign

I have been waiting for Donald Trump to expand upon his extreme vetting concept so I could know how it is different from what the U.S. already does.  I don't know the exact process but I do know it takes upwards of two years, multiple applications and interviews by different people. all looking to trip people up and disqualify them.  Meanwhile, people who were at the side of military working as translators and proving their loyalty to the U.S. at least in spirit are denied access by this same process, so I am not sure how anyone gets through it, but a few, mostly families with a father and a mother and kids somehow make it here.

So I suspect Donald Trump does not have much that he will really change except to shut down the process completely, which is what he wants to do on everything that has to do with international affairs.  End trade agreements, tear up security agreements and go after our friends to pay more while making niceties with Russia.  He would a chaotic to say the least, so I am now quoting Jeb Bush and agreeing with him.

Trump could do far less damage on the domestic side of the economy (international would be bad enough) because he would need Congress to pass laws which would not happen unless the GOP controlled the Senate and that is not likely.  And if they did, we would return to the health insurance system of 5 years ago which required one to have employment to have an affordable health insurance plan and heaven forbid you had a pre-exisitng condition so a GOP Senate combined with a Trump Presidency would lead to chaos on the domestic side.  But Trump would nominate more crazy Justices like Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court so we could not look for any solace on that front.

The degree to which Trump is unqualified to be President is almost beyond words although I have tried with these writing to highlight a few:  corrupt businessperson, conspiracy believer, rude, ignorant in so many ways it almost defies description, and greedy.  I am convinced he ran for President so he could cut his estate taxes, assuming his tax returns verify that he is rich, but I am quite sure he has more than $10.4 mm which is when the estate tax kicks in for a married couple.  Meanwhile, I am convinced he won't release his tax returns because they would show what he is hiding from the public view and I bet whatever it is would be stunning to many.

The only thing that was a positive in the news recently was the shakeup of the Trump campaign has put two people in charge who agree with Trump's most outlandish tendencies.  So we can expect Trump to do things that will repel what I hope is a sufficiently number of middle of the road types to vote for Democrats in key swing states.  Because a Democratic victory is the only hope for progress on fixing health insurance, doing something about global warming, and in general preserving economic stability.  Not to mention over the longer term perhaps getting some sensible gun control.

Which is why Trump's focus on Law & Order is pure politics and nothing more.  There can be no reduction in the threats to police and improving law& order in Chicago or any other inner city without sensible gun control.  And Trump/NRA are not going there.  That is why the NRA supports Trump flat out.

I was with some friends yesterday who are in touch with one very conservative old friend.  I asked what DM was up to with his writing.  I was told he says nothing about Trump and just goes on and on  about how awful Hillary is.  But that begs the question, if you don't want Hillary and you will vote for Trump, how can you ignore what a danger he is to economic stability, not to mention international security?  Since we don't have a parliamentary system, we need balanced leaders who know how to compromise.  That is certainly not Trump, but it is Hillary.  It might be the libertarian guy but he will not get my support.

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