Wednesday, October 3, 2012

71% of Republicans Believe Polling is Biased Against Them

This is what makes me so angry toward the GOP today.  Remember, I used to be a Republican and this anger is what made me start this blog and why I cannot entertain voting for a Republican today.

As if it were not enough to claim the media is biased against the GOP (notwithstanding Fox News, and syndicated radio shows), now Republicans believe the polling organizations steer the results in favor of the Democrats somehow.  While I will admit that some organizations are clearly biased (Fox News, MSNBC), there are many that are not (CNN, the major newspapers away from their editorial pages, the news magazines).

Why can't Republicans accept the fact that somewhere between 50% & 55% of the voters are rejecting their policies in a significant enough way to vote for the Democrats and the GOP needs to compromise their policies with Democratic policies to get this fiscal picture stabilized and on a path to lower deficits?

Of course, none of this should surprise me because 31% of Republicans believe President Obama is a member of the Muslim faith.  When ignorance is so widespread in a political party, one cannot expect rationality to be at the forefront.

Politics is the art of the possible and that is reality.  Republicans apparently do not believe that and it makes me very angry.

1 comment:

  1. Well just to give you one recent example of why folks might think polling is biased, RedStateVT suggests that you look at the Wisconsin recall. It was supposed to be a nail-biter. And then it was over in time for everyone to get to bed early. Oh, and Walker won in a rout.
