Monday, November 25, 2013

Healthcare Overview & Iran in this week of Thanksgiving

We can only be thankful that medical insurance works for people with money today and my family personally.  And we can be thankful that people with pre-existing conditions will have access to affordable health insurance in 5 weeks in states that embraced Heritage Foundation/Romney/Obamacare.

The ACA is working great in states that managed to build a functioning website.  In California, even young people are signing up.  Read this column.

The ACA is working well somewhere

And a case can easily be made that a single payer plan would eliminate much of what the complaints have been about the ACA by consumers.  And it would have the advantage of getting companies out of the business of providing health insurance.  Then companies that object to providing birth control would not have any perceived rights violated.  Read this column.

Single Payer Plan Positives

And as for Iran.  The deal is a positive if it can be verified.  I think the nattering nabob's who have objected in a knee jerk fashion should focus on how verification will work before they do something that prevents things from moving forward in a potentially positive manner.  And the West must be alert to Iran cheating on this and reinstall every sanction and potentially more if they cheat on this.

Nice Short Explanation of the Deal

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