Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Quick Thoughts Before I Bake Grandma's Apple Pies

My friend RedStateVT always reminds me that both political parties have billionaires and the GOP needs to a level playing field with Union (organizations, not my alma mater college) money (my alma mater is always looking for $, not giving $ away).

So, you would think the GOP would welcome new rules on the roles that non-profit money raisers can play in elections by embracing it and having it apply to all such contributors.

US politics would be much cleaner if there were fair limitations on all contributions.

NY Sports teams have their lowest winning percentage since 1966.  No wonder I am so miserable when it comes to the part of me that roots for sports teams.

My favorite Business Development Corporation ("BDC") runs itself like a real bank.  It is independent of any other organization and it has a diverse portfolio with no concentration of risk, other than US middle market borrowers in general.  This a.m. I read how US private equity ("PE") firms have set up BDC's to be captive lenders to the PE LBO's.  And the PE firms gets 20% of any profits that accrue to the associated BDC, which has issued stock to the public.  So the public investors in the associated BDC get 100% of the risk, but only 80% of the upside.  That stinks to high heaven, but I don't think regulation is the answer as the writer of the article did.  The answer is full disclosure with sufficient detail that all investors can understand what is going on .  My BDC, PSEC (which RedStateVT clued me into although I did my own investment analysis) is a far different entity than one of these captives.

Much is being made of the Democrat's reluctance to discuss redistribution in the ACA.  Insurance is all about risk sharing and redistribution.  The healthy may get sick, so they should have insurance just like the sick people do.  It makes no sense to have people who work have easy access to health insurance and have it be difficult/impossible to get health insurance for those who do not work.  That is how the old system was constructed.   Yes, there is redistribution, but that is how insurance works.  The Democrats should broadcast that far and wide with pride and anger at the GOP's failure to propose a viable alternative to the old system that insures access to health insurance for everyone with equal ease.

Off to cut up apples.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that it will not apply to unions. Liberals say that corporations are not "people", but unions are. RedStateVT actually believes that any person or any entity should be entitled to contribute however much they want to a politician or to a political long as there is FULL disclosure. Such disclosure will keep politicians honest (or maybe those two words are mutually exclusive!)
