Friday, December 20, 2013

The World is a Complicated Place (again)

David Brooks on Israel's need to find a solution to its demographic realities while maintaining security.

Link to David Brook's wonderful analysis

This piece by Uwe Reinhardt really does a good job of summarizing the basis of how reality shapes the health care debate.  What the GOP really wants is death panel's or lack of insurance rationing the availability of health care for the poor so that Medicaid costs are controlled.  or would Sarah Palin/Grover Norquist actually provide the revenues to pay for such care?

An Economist Explains the Health Care Debate

Tom Egan on what motivates the GOP to reduce the social safety net.

Current GOP would have been right at Home in mid-19th century England

And last a commentary on the values of austerity economics vs. traditional Keynesian/Friedman counter cyclical economics.  Remember in the latter you run a budget surplus when the economy is doing well to pay down the debt you built up in the recession.  Something the GOP forgot during the last 30 years when they were in power.

Why Keynes/Friedman are correct

And last a word from the Tea Party.  Contrast the lack of facts and economic policy basis in this presentation vs the other posts.

Jenny Beth Martin States the Tea Party Way or No Way

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